GISD was created in 2017. The Reference Date for all Regional Definitions (“Gebietsstand”) was 31.12.2012. The files are also hosted at GESIS. The Reference Paper can be accessed here.
- Bund GISD for levels Gemeinde (values are based on Gemeindeverband), Gemeindeverband, Kreis, Raumordnungsregion, NUTS2
- Files We provide xls-files by regional level for 1998,2003,2008,2012.
- GISD_Score Raw Scores of GISD normalized for each Year (Jahr)
- GISD_5 Quintiles of GISD with Reference to Germany (Bund) or to the corresponding state (Bundesland) for each Year (Jahr)
- GISD_10 Deciles of GISD with Reference to Germany (Bund) or to the corresponding state (Bundesland) for each Year (Jahr)
- GISD_k Groups based on the Quintiles of GISD (1= 1th Quintile, 2= 2th to 4th Quintile, 3= 5th Quintile) with Reference to Germany (Bund) or to the corresponding state (Bundesland) for each Year (Jahr)