GISD was updated for 2018 as of 25.01.2018. The Reference Date for all Regional Definitions (“Gebietsstand”) is 31.12.2014. The update includes data for Years 1998 to 2014. The Reference Paper can be accessed here.
- We changed the definition of the Educational Component to be also based on factor analysis. Now, it is defined by the following z-standardized proportions:
- School leavers with German “Abitur” or equivalent
- School leavers without a degree
- Employees at place of residence with university degree
- Employees at place of residence without any degree
- The whole code was rewritten in R to faciliate future updates.
- We now provide annual data.
- We now provide Quantiles with Reference to Germany as a whole (Bund) as well as with Reference to the German States (Bundesländer)
- Postcodes habe been removed, but may be added in a future update.
- The index scores were rescaled from 0-100 to 0-1 to faciliate computation in some use cases.
- Bund GISD for levels Gemeinde (values are based on Gemeindeverband), Gemeindeverband, Kreis, Raumordnungsregion, NUTS2
- Bundesland GISD for levels Gemeindeverband and Kreis for all States except Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg with Quantiles referencing inner state disparities.
- Files We provide tables of comma seperated by regional level for each year as well as a Stata .dta-file in long format with all years included for each level.
- GISD_Score Raw Scores of GISD normalized for each Year (Jahr)
- GISD_5 Quintiles of GISD with Reference to Germany (Bund) or to the corresponding state (Bundesland) for each Year (Jahr)
- GISD_10 Deciles of GISD with Reference to Germany (Bund) or to the corresponding state (Bundesland) for each Year (Jahr)
- GISD_k Groups based on the Quintiles of GISD (1= 1th Quintile, 2= 2th to 4th Quintile, 3= 5th Quintile) with Reference to Germany (Bund) or to the corresponding state (Bundesland) for each Year (Jahr)